Tuesday 19 November 2013

My Vision Board !!

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on specific life goals. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life.

Vision Boards Help Provide Clarity

For example, to say “I want a better life” is a fine goal, but have you given serious thought to exactly what that means? Try to envision what your “better life” looks like. For those of us who find that somewhat difficult, making a vision board can be a tremendous help. In order to create my vision board, I must actively seek images that represent specific details of this wonderful new life. That means narrowing it down to specifics. For some, a better life might mean having a new car or home. Others may be seeking a new relationship or improvements in existing relationships. Doubtless you have heard it said that most of us never get what we want because we don’t know what we want. Making a vision board is a wonderful way to bring clarity to that general desire and turn it into an achievable goal.

Use a Vision Board for Your Daily Affirmations

Daily AffirmationsOnce you dream it, the next step is to believe it. In addition to images, vision boards can include words, phrases or sentences that affirm your intentions. Somehow, we must silence the mind chatter that plagues us all every minute of every waking hour. You know that little voice in your head that never shuts up, the one that supports and promotes all your limiting beliefs by repeating an endless litany of every shortcoming you could possibly have (and some you couldn’t possibly have) and every reason why you can’t or shouldn’t or won’t ever be, do or have what you really want. Affirmations are that little voice’s worst enemy. Affirmations express who you really are, release you from those limiting beliefs, and allow you to know that the possibilities really are unlimited.

A Vision Board Keeps you Focused

Finally, another key purpose that vision boards serve is to help you stay focused. It isn’t difficult to start each day with a positive attitude – until you get out of bed. How quickly that fresh “new me” attitude can sink back into oblivion beneath the tasks and challenges of everyday life. How can you possibly remain focused on any goal while people and circumstances constantly pull you in dozens of directions at once? By using a vision board, of course! No matter what happens during your day, your vision board is a constant reminder of where you intend to be. Appealing to you on both conscious and subconscious levels, a vision board can work wonders toward keeping your mind focused on your goal, your attention on your intentions, and your life headed in the direction you choose.

Here Is My Vision Board

*Why Not Make One For Yourself...

Monday 18 November 2013

Most Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Plexus Slim.

Since opening my Plexus Slim business, I've had numerous people asking me a lot of questions in regards to Plexus Slim. To make it easier I'm going to attempt to answer the most commonly asked questions that I have received to date.

What Is A Plexus Ambassador?
An Ambassador represents the Plexus lines of products and assists with customer's understanding of the products and ordering process. To find out more on becoming an ambassador please contact me or go to my ordering website and click on join now,there you will find all the pricing.You may opt out of Plexus Ambassador at any time!What Is A Preferred Customer

A preferred customer agrees to a monthly shipment of any of our products at a lower cost than what a retail customer has to pay. You may cancel your monthly purchase at any time.

What Is A Retail Customer?

 A retail customer is someone who purchases any of our products with a one time purchase.

Does Plexus Slim Contain Any MSG?
Plexus Slim does not contain MSG or other proven red-flag ingredients.

When Can I Expect To Experience Weight Loss?
Because Plexus Slim contains no stimulants, it is a very subtle yet effective product. Most people begin to recognise benefits approximately 2 weeks after starting the product. Some experience benefits sooner, others, later. 

Will Plexus Slim Interfere Or React With Any Medications Or Other Supplements?
No. Extensive clinical research has demonstrated no ill side effects with any medications or other supplements.

How often do I have To Take Plexus Slim?
Most people only need to take Plexus Slim once a day to get the desired results. However, people who struggle with weight loss or people who have a lot of weight to lose, may find that taking Plexus Slim twice a day works better for them.

 How is Plexus Slim sweetened?
Plexus Slim is sweetened with Stevia Leaf Extract and Lo Han Fruit Extract. Both of these ingredients are natural, completely safe and do not lend themselves to invoking a blood sugar spike when consumed.

When Is The Best Time To Drink Plexus Slim?
Preferably 15-30 minutes before a meal. However, Plexus Slim can be taken anytime and will still benefit the consumer.

Is Plexus Slim Vegetarian?

Is Plexus Slim Gluten Free?

Is Plexus Slim Vegan?

Do I Have To Give Up Drinking Alcohol To Lose Weight With Plexus Slim?
This is a very individual thing. Some people have told us that, throughout their adult life they have never been able to lose weight unless they give up drinking. The developers of Plexus Slim say that, for most people, moderate drinking will not stop the weight loss from occurring. You need to use your own judgement. Alcoholic beverages are very high in calories. Consume too many calories and you are going to be working against the Plexus Slim program.

Do I Need To Exercise On The Plexus Slim Program?
According to the developers of the product, it is not necessary for you to exercise as part of the Plexus Slim program. However, they also say that any moderate exercise – like a 20 to 30 minute brisk walk every day – will dramatically increase the speed with which Plexus Slim works.

Do I Need To Eat Differently When Taking Plexus Slim?
This is a really important question and here is a very simple thing to keep in mind: If you keep on doing what you have always been doing, you will keep on getting what you have always been getting. In reverse, If you want to lose weight permanently, you will need to eat differently than before. Plexus Slim is formulated to help you make a life-style change to your eating habits. Plexus Slim contains natural ingredients that have been shown to reduce appetite. However, some people just ignore their body’s new messages and keep on eating like before. Some people eat emotionally; they eat because they are stressed or upset. Most people are trained to eat with their eyes and eat by the clock. What do we mean by that? Has this ever happened to you? You look at the clock and realise it is supper time. You sit down to eat your supper and realise that you really aren’t hungry. But, because it is supper time, you eat your supper anyway. That’s what we mean by eating by the clock. Some people sit down for a meal and fill up their entire plate with food. Then, they eat until everything on the plate is gone. They are not listening to their bodies. Weight loss specialists tell us that the stomach is really designed to consume a meal that is about the size of a clenched fist. If you go to a restaurant, try ordering an appetiser for your main meal. Wait a few minutes after you finish eating. If you are still hungry after you have had your appetiser, you can always order another appetiser. If you are looking for a restaurant and you see the sign “All You Can Eat” or if you see “Buffet Dinner Tonight”, please drive on. We have been trained to always get the best deal we can for our money. When we are at a buffet that means that we need to go back at least three times AND go for dessert as well just to make sure we get full value for what we have paid. Make a decision: Do you want to lose weight and keep it off by making a small life-style change? If so, Plexus Slim is designed to help you do that. On the other hand, if you want to make sure you are getting the biggest bang for you buck by stuffing yourself at the buffet, you can forget about permanent weight loss.

Do I have to take the Plexus Accelerator with the Plexus Slim? 
No, you do not. While the accelerator does help speed up the weight loss in most cases, taking the Plexus accelerator with Plexus Slim is not required.

What affect does Plexus have on Diabetes?  
Plexus Slim was originally engineered to help regulate blood glucose levels in diabetics. Common results for diabetics are the ability to take less insulin due to a combination of fewer blood sugar spikes and improved pancreatic function in type 2 diabetics.

Besides weight loss will I notice anything else from taking Plexus Slim? 

Based on the feed-back from people who are taking Plexus Slim, we are hearing four pretty consistent things: first, people say they feel calmer throughout the day; second, people tell us they are sleeping much better at night: third, people notice their appetites are down; fourth, people tell us that they aren’t snacking as often; some have told us their snacking, especially sweets like chocolate and candy, has totally stopped. 

Can Plexus Slim be taken while pregnant or while breastfeeding?
The answer is yes! Plexus Slim is an all natural product which will show no harm to a pregnant or breastfeeding lady. However, as with all weight loss supplements, it's advised you speak to your health care provider before the consumption of our products.      

If after reading all of this information and you still have further questions, please add them in a comment and I will answer and add them to this page..

Thank You !!!!

Becoming an Ambassador for Plexus

Plexus Slim, Weight loss, ambassador, Plexus

 I'm 32 and I finally found something that I think I was meant to do in life... help people get healthy.

I believe in Plexus and I love spreading the word.

The nice thing about being a Plexus Ambassador is that the only 'cost' to you each year is $34.95, which gets you your own website to sell Plexus from... it also allows you to buy product at a wholesale cost, for either yourself or for retail sale.
There is no pushy sales as with some companies, and you don't have to buy tons of product up front. An ethical MLM company.. unheard of!!!

When you join you do get a one off chance to buy product at the cheapest you ever will be able to with a welcome pack, but it is not a requirement of signing up :-)

There are 11 ways to earn money with Plexus as an Ambassador.

Plexus Worldwide is a DEBT-FREE company whose projected profits for 2013 is $100 MILLION .. the fantastic thing is that 50% of those aforementioned profits are PAID BACK TO THE AMBASSADORS EVERY MONTH!!

If you are thinking about become an Ambassador for Plexus make sure you join the right team... your sponsor should be involved and care about your success, providing you with great training and motivation...
If you are not getting answers to questions before hand, look around for a more pro-active sponsor... there are lots out there....and I'd love to have you on my team too :-)
some people just want to buy product at a wholesale price, but for others the sky is the limit... these products really sell themselves :-)

Eleven Ways to Earn Income from the Plexus Compensation Plan

1. Business Building Bonuses
2. Plexus Points - that's the profit payout

3. Achievement Bonuses
When you achieve certain bonus levels, Plexus pays you a one-time Achievement Bonus.
4. Fast Start Achievement Bonus
Fast Start Achievement Bonuses are special bonuses that are paid to Ambassadors who achieve the level of Gold, Senior Gold, Ruby or Senior Ruby within 30 days of becoming a new Plexus Ambassador.
5. Retail Rewards Program (Commissions)
You can become a Plexus Ambassador and earn generously through the Retail Rewards Program - building a network is not required.
6. Retail Rewards Over-ride Commissions
7. Emerald Pool Bonus
8. Sapphire Pool Bonus
9. Diamond Pool Bonus
10. Preferred Customer Program
11. Earn a Diamond Re-Entry Position

Are You Interested In A Change?

 Interested in Plexus Slim?

There is a difference you know!  Interested is thinking about it but not fully committed.  Being fully committed is sticking to the decision and not giving in to temptation.  It starts in the heart.  You have to have a heart with motivation to not only tell yourself, “I want my body to change!” but also, “I will do anything to get there”!
 It starts in the heart but then goes to your head.  Your mind must make previsions to see the desire of the heart to take place and that takes educating yourself on how to eat right, what not to eat and supplements that can help you get there.  The next step is to take action.  Don’t wait or you will change your mind.  It may be somewhat in your heart but you must also be willing to put the action into your hands.  Once it is in all three places, they will become habits.  Habits is what changes your body and keeps you healthy.
So remember, Heart, Head, Hands and Habits!

This is the only way I made a new start.  It is a new start and a time to make up your mind.
I believe in you and you can do it!
Start today and order Plexus slim/Accelerator!


 You committed or just interested sign

Sunday 17 November 2013

What Is This Plexus You Ask ??

So now that I've bored you to tears with my background most of you are probably asking "What is this Plexus Slim that she keeps referring to?"

What is Plexus Slim?

Plexus Slim Package
It is a completely natural dietary supplement which places itself in the company of very powerful chemical options while avoiding risks associated with the latter.
In theory this should mean that you can expect to see quick and dramatic change within your body, shedding pounds at a rate you can really appreciate while not having to feel apprehensive about the experience. It really is safe to use, and I can tell you that it works very effectively as well.
One great benefit of a product is that those natural ingredients are not only saving your body from damage, but they can actually provide great and healthy gains alongside your weight loss.
Instead of attacking cells within the body the way that fat burning chemicals do, the ingredients in it serve to promote and enhance natural functions, and this generally means that side effects will all be good things. Read on below to find out exactly how that works.

How Does It Work?

Positive WomanBecause this is a natural supplement its focus isn’t on eating away at your body, but adding good things to it. Product provides you with valuable acids, antioxidants and fiber which will work together in concert to make your weight loss goals infinitely more attainable.
First and foremost this is an effective appetite suppressant, and reason it is so effective is that it really leaves you feeling full and satisfied. It contains ingredients which will signal to your brain that your nutritional needs are being met and you do not need to eat any more, and this is great but that’s as far as most natural appetite suppressants will go.
Taking things a step further, product makes use of a fiber which expands within stomach to actually leave you feeling sated. You will feel like you have eaten a large meal when you have only had a small amount of food, and this is absolutely critical in overcoming habitual side of overeating.

In addition to its appetite suppressing properties, it is one of very few natural weight loss supplements which is capable of effectively burning fat cells in a safe and healthy way. Instead of attacking those cells, it assists your body to increase natural functions which make better and more efficient use of fat cells.
It will boost your metabolism, and this I find to be the real key to natural weight loss since the big problem so many out there have when they struggle to shed pounds is that they simply have a lower metabolism than many other people.

Combining It with Accelerator

Plexus Slim + Accelerator ComboWhile this product on its own is a very effective way to lose weight, if you want to see results even more quickly you can pair it with Accelerator which augments abilities of the first formula and increases its effectiveness quite greatly.
This moves product out of range of the best natural supplements and puts it squarely on par with quite potent chemical diet pills, but you still maintain all benefits associated with natural solutions and you do not have to worry about damaging chemical properties.
Blend of ingredients in these two products when they work together is designed to be truly synergistic and seamless, so you’re not getting a completely different approach here but a second option which gives a massive boost to the existing properties. They are designed to be used together, so you don’t want to buy the Accelerator on its own.
My suggestion would be to start with this pill and feel out the results and rate of progress you are making, and if that isn’t enough for you the option to kick it up a notch is a great one to have. If you really want to lose weight quickly you can safely start by using them together.

What Are The Ingredients?

The list of ingredients in this supplement is a bit long, but rather than just asking you to trust that they are all natural and safe to use, I’m going to briefly name and describe each of them.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid promotes energy within the body, converting glucose very effectively, and while that is how it helps you lose weight as a part of the pill it is far from the extent of what it will do for you. This occurs naturally within your body, and increased levels of the acid will have only positive effects. It’s one of the main reasons people eat foods like rice bran and spinach, and the list of benefits it provides would literally be pages long. (Effects of alpha-lipoic Acid on body weight in obese subjects.)
  • Beet Root Extract should be considered a cleansing and balancing ingredient, working to balance pH levels and purify your blood. This one, too, is a good source of natural energy.
  • Chlorogenic Acid has been shown to inhibit absorption of fat from many different foods, and it can provide a nice boost to metabolism as well. Perhaps its best documented effect is reducing the risk of diabetes. (Chlorogenic acid exhibits anti-obesity property and improves lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-induced-obese mice.)
  • Chromium is used in a huge number of very different ways, but here its primary role is to reduce cravings for simple carbohydrates.
  • Citric Acid is one of four ingredients which seem to have been added primarily to make the mix taste a bit more pleasant. It is a natural preservative which has its own health benefits as well, and it’s a nice thing to have on board.
  • Citrin K on the other hand is quite direct and powerful in what it does. This is an extract of Garcinia Cambogia and it will greatly lower the rate at which your body converts carbs into fat stores by blocking negative functions in certain enzymes. It’s a fat blocker, but the way it accomplishes this also makes it a decent appetite suppressant.
  • Glycemic Index Maltodextrin is the second of those four ingredients I mentioned which are here to improve the flavor. This is a natural sweetener derived from grains.
  • Grape Skin Extract has a number of great beneficial ingredients within it, including flavonoids, linoleic acid, oligomeric proanthocyanidins and vitamin E. Combined these ingredients can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure quite well.
  • Lo Han Extract is the third source of flavor. It’s a bit sweet and quite pleasant.
  • Oxypregnane Steroidal Glycoside is a good appetite suppressant which is becoming more widely used in weight loss supplements. While it isn’t as proven as some of the other ingredients here, it is definitely known to be safe and natural.
  • Stevia Extract is the fourth and final flavor component, primarily used here as a sweetener, but it has also been approved by FDA as a dietary supplement.

Side Effects

There is not a lot here to report in terms of side effects, since this is a natural supplement, but the one negative side effect I have seen reported by a few users is that it can make them feel a little gassy.
Positive side effects are much more common. While it is primarily a weight loss product, it will also leave users feeling more energized, it can reduce symptoms of depression, maintains blood sugar levels, promotes liver health, reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and so on. These are really wonderful ingredients to put into your body.

Where To Buy It?   http://www.pinklicious.myplexusopportunity.com/

Sometimes The Smallest Step In The Right Direction Ends Up Being The Biggest Step In Your Life. Tip Toe If You Must, But Take The Step !!!

I am the first one to admit that I am the worlds biggest procrastinator - every decision I make I first weigh all the pros and cons - and hash out every scenario possible in my head before making my final decision.
That being said once I make my mind up about something there is no stopping me.

I enrolled into Plexus to become an ambassador just 5 days ago, In that time I've created my Facebook business page, ordered business cards (which arrived today) designed some flyers, thoroughly read all the ins and outs of each product offered by Plexus, read a book titled "Your First Year In Network Marketing" written by Mark Yarnell and as I design this blog I''m listening to an audio copy of a book called "Go Pro - 7 Steps To Becoming A Network Marketing Professional" written by Eric Worre (so far it's amazing)

So yes I am a procrastinator I can't deny It - but when I make up my mind, I hit the ground running.

I believe in the product and I want to succeed.

One thing that has been obvious to me however since signing on is the negative attitude that I have received off several family members and a handful of friends once I've discussed the company with them - they'll give me the side eye roll and tell me about pyramid schemes and that network marketing isn't a legitimate career. Once they see that I am not deterred by those 'facts' they then begin saying that the products won't deliver what they promise and so forth...

I can't say that I didn't expect this reaction from some people, but I'm okay I know Network Marketing isn't going to be for everyone and I'm okay with that - I try to tell them that 'my pyramid scheme' company is no different to other big name 'pyramid scheme' companies ie Avon, Tupperware, Nutrimetics and Mary Kay - some people just don't wish to hear.

With part of my new journey I am trying to follow these simple rules:-
I'm trying but I'm still a work in progress !!

Life Is About Taking Risks In Order To Get What You Want

For the past year or so I've felt that my life has been lacking direction so to speak; I love being a SAHM to my two beautiful daughters, but with my youngest off to 'big school' next year I felt like my life needed to take a change in direction.

For the last 7 years my whole focus has been on my daughters and making sure that all their needs were met that I forgot myself along the way, not intentionally nor instantly but a slow gradual loss - to where I feel that Renee no longer exists... I'm the wife of Jacob and the mother of Amirah and Kalilah... but where was Renee?

So what did I want?

I began researching work from home opportunities that I could undertake without it neglecting my family at the same time. I had opportunity calls, I had brochures sent to me in the post, CD's posted to me, samples sent - although some companies were interesting none of the opportunities were really grabbing me and some were honestly straight up scams - some companies were asking me to invest over $5000 just to be a part of the company (the first thing I read when researching was to be wary of companies wanting you to invest large sums of money) I began to become disheartened believing that there wasn't anything out there for me.

I didn't know what I wanted nor what I was looking for but I did know that I didn't want to return to a 9-5 Monday to Friday job, I want to be able to be there for my children to take them to and from school, to be able to be at home to do their homework with them, or attend any school functions when needed.. I knew office work would not allow that to happen.

Then I gave up and just stopped looking. Once I stopped looking an opportunity basically fell into my lap, I read and re read the brochure for Plexus Slim trying to find faults with the company, when I couldn't find anything I took to YouTube and Google to seek further information - the testimonials that people had about this company and the products were exciting so much so that I put my name down to receive further information.

I was in the car waiting to pick my daughter up from school when Michelle telephoned me, she as an Ambassador for Plexus Slim and had been with the company since it first started in Australia and she was amazing very warm and friendly and answered any questions I had in regards to the company.

I spent a further two days procrastinating, going backwards and forwards with my decision - finally I decided to go with it - I had nothing to lose and the company really was everything that I had been looking for.

Not only could I be my own boss and make money from the comfort of my own home - I could get healthier at the same time and help other people on their journey along the way. Being a SAHM for all these years I have a lot of adult interaction hours to make up for - I am looking forward to meeting and speaking with lots of new people.

And so a new journey begins.