Sunday 17 November 2013

Life Is About Taking Risks In Order To Get What You Want

For the past year or so I've felt that my life has been lacking direction so to speak; I love being a SAHM to my two beautiful daughters, but with my youngest off to 'big school' next year I felt like my life needed to take a change in direction.

For the last 7 years my whole focus has been on my daughters and making sure that all their needs were met that I forgot myself along the way, not intentionally nor instantly but a slow gradual loss - to where I feel that Renee no longer exists... I'm the wife of Jacob and the mother of Amirah and Kalilah... but where was Renee?

So what did I want?

I began researching work from home opportunities that I could undertake without it neglecting my family at the same time. I had opportunity calls, I had brochures sent to me in the post, CD's posted to me, samples sent - although some companies were interesting none of the opportunities were really grabbing me and some were honestly straight up scams - some companies were asking me to invest over $5000 just to be a part of the company (the first thing I read when researching was to be wary of companies wanting you to invest large sums of money) I began to become disheartened believing that there wasn't anything out there for me.

I didn't know what I wanted nor what I was looking for but I did know that I didn't want to return to a 9-5 Monday to Friday job, I want to be able to be there for my children to take them to and from school, to be able to be at home to do their homework with them, or attend any school functions when needed.. I knew office work would not allow that to happen.

Then I gave up and just stopped looking. Once I stopped looking an opportunity basically fell into my lap, I read and re read the brochure for Plexus Slim trying to find faults with the company, when I couldn't find anything I took to YouTube and Google to seek further information - the testimonials that people had about this company and the products were exciting so much so that I put my name down to receive further information.

I was in the car waiting to pick my daughter up from school when Michelle telephoned me, she as an Ambassador for Plexus Slim and had been with the company since it first started in Australia and she was amazing very warm and friendly and answered any questions I had in regards to the company.

I spent a further two days procrastinating, going backwards and forwards with my decision - finally I decided to go with it - I had nothing to lose and the company really was everything that I had been looking for.

Not only could I be my own boss and make money from the comfort of my own home - I could get healthier at the same time and help other people on their journey along the way. Being a SAHM for all these years I have a lot of adult interaction hours to make up for - I am looking forward to meeting and speaking with lots of new people.

And so a new journey begins.

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