Sunday 17 November 2013

Sometimes The Smallest Step In The Right Direction Ends Up Being The Biggest Step In Your Life. Tip Toe If You Must, But Take The Step !!!

I am the first one to admit that I am the worlds biggest procrastinator - every decision I make I first weigh all the pros and cons - and hash out every scenario possible in my head before making my final decision.
That being said once I make my mind up about something there is no stopping me.

I enrolled into Plexus to become an ambassador just 5 days ago, In that time I've created my Facebook business page, ordered business cards (which arrived today) designed some flyers, thoroughly read all the ins and outs of each product offered by Plexus, read a book titled "Your First Year In Network Marketing" written by Mark Yarnell and as I design this blog I''m listening to an audio copy of a book called "Go Pro - 7 Steps To Becoming A Network Marketing Professional" written by Eric Worre (so far it's amazing)

So yes I am a procrastinator I can't deny It - but when I make up my mind, I hit the ground running.

I believe in the product and I want to succeed.

One thing that has been obvious to me however since signing on is the negative attitude that I have received off several family members and a handful of friends once I've discussed the company with them - they'll give me the side eye roll and tell me about pyramid schemes and that network marketing isn't a legitimate career. Once they see that I am not deterred by those 'facts' they then begin saying that the products won't deliver what they promise and so forth...

I can't say that I didn't expect this reaction from some people, but I'm okay I know Network Marketing isn't going to be for everyone and I'm okay with that - I try to tell them that 'my pyramid scheme' company is no different to other big name 'pyramid scheme' companies ie Avon, Tupperware, Nutrimetics and Mary Kay - some people just don't wish to hear.

With part of my new journey I am trying to follow these simple rules:-
I'm trying but I'm still a work in progress !!

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